Orchids on a Budget: How to Grow Beautiful Orchids Without Breaking the Bank

Fortunately, growing orchids on a budget is not only possible, but it can also be highly rewarding. Here, we will discuss in detail how to grow beautiful orchids without breaking the bank.

Orchids on a Budget: How to Grow Beautiful Orchids Without Breaking the Bank
Dendrobium Speciosum exhibited at Revesby Workers Native Orchid Club in 2018

Orchids are one of the most beautiful and intriguing flowering plants in the world. With thousands to choose from, these plants can be a stunning addition to any home or garden. However, their beauty can come with a high price tag, making it difficult particularly for beginner orchid enthusiasts to indulge in their passion without breaking the bank. Fortunately, growing orchids on a budget is not only possible, but it can also be highly rewarding. Here, we will discuss in detail how to grow beautiful orchids without breaking the bank.

Choosing affordable orchids to start

The first step to growing orchids on a budget is to choose affordable varieties. While some orchids can be quite expensive, many others are quite affordable. Cymbidium, is one of the most popular and affordable orchids available, and it can be found in many nurseries for under $25 AUD for a near flowering size plant. Other affordable species include Oncidiums, Dendrobiums and Phalaenopsis. These genera are also relatively easy to care for with all but the last usually growing well in Sydney and Melbourne outdoors, making them an excellent choice for beginners.

When selecting an orchid, it is important to do your research and choose a variety that is suitable for your climate and growing conditions. Some orchids, such as Cattleyas, Paphiopedilums and Phalaenopsis, require warm temperatures, while others, like Native dendrobiums, Cymbidiums and Miltonias, can often be grown outdoors depending on your climate. By selecting a variety that is well-suited to your environment, you will be more likely to succeed in growing a healthy plant.

Buying in bulk and buy small

Another way to save money on orchids is to buy in bulk. Many orchid nurseries and supply stores offer discounts for purchasing multiple plants or potting mix in bulk. You can also buy a few smaller orchids often for the same price as a flowering plant. This will not only save you money but give you great satisfaction when they flower for the first time.

You can further capitilise on this by teaming up with your friends or fellow orchid hobbyists when ordering plants so you can get discounts and share shipping costs.

When buying smaller plants in larger quantities , it is important to choose plants that are healthy and disease-free. Check the leaves and roots of the plant for any signs of damage or pests. Also, be sure to ask the seller about the plant's growing requirements, so you can ensure that you are providing the proper care.

Repurposing household items

Instead of buying expensive orchid pots and fertilizers, try repurposing household items. Plastic containers, such as yogurt cups or takeout containers, can be used as pots by poking a few drainage holes in the bottom.

Old hardwood fence palings and some tree trimmings can be cut up and used as mounts for some orchid varieties while butter or margarine containers can be cut up and used as plant tags in a pinch.

When repurposing household items, it is important to ensure that they are clean and free of any chemicals or contaminants. Rinse plastic containers thoroughly with water and avoid using any containers that previously held toxic substances.

Finally if you have a worm farm worm wee made from your food scraps can make an excellent fertiliser.

Learning to propagate

Propagation is a great way to save money and grow more orchids. Many orchid varieties can be propagated through stem cuttings or division. By propagating your orchids, you can increase your collection without spending a lot of money. You can even get more varieties by swapping your excess plants for new and different orchid varieties

When propagating orchids, it is important to use sterile tools and to follow proper procedures to prevent the spread of disease. It is also important to provide the proper growing conditions for the new plants to ensure their success.

For the more advanced grower you can also try deflasking of orchid seedlings or mericlones. using this method you can get 25-30 plants for a relatively low price and it is the way I have quickly expanded my collection previously.

Be careful though as some flasks can be pricey and with out good technique it can be easy to lose these plants altogether. Again one way I have offset this in the past is for a goup to get together and buy several flasks and then share in both the process and the proceeds. This way you get several plants of several varieties.

Attending orchid shows and sales

Attending orchid shows and sales is a great way to find affordable orchids and connect with other orchid enthusiasts. Many orchid societies hold annual shows and sales where you can purchase orchids for significantly lower prices than at garden centres or florists. You can also find orchids for sale at  plant sales, and online marketplaces.

When attending orchid shows and sales, it is important to do your research and choose plants suited to your growing area. At these busy shows its easy to get caught up and "accidentally" buy a stunning plant that may struggle for you. You don't need to go far in the orchid world for a few horro stories of big money spent on plants that got brought home and perrished only weeks later.

plants that are healthy and well-suited to your growing conditions. Be sure to inspect the plants for any signs of damage or disease and ask the seller about the plant's care requirements.

Proper care and maintenance

Finally, to grow beautiful orchids on a budget, it is important to provide proper care and maintenance for your plants. This includes providing adequate light, water, and fertilizer, as well as ensuring that the plants are not exposed to extreme temperatures or pests.